Monday, December 8, 2008

Life's New Chapter: PARENTHOOD!!!

No, I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth...just been busy with my new bundle of joy.

Wow have we had an exciting yet emotional yet very wonderful past 3 months. Scott and I were blessed with the most precious little angel in the whole world. His name is Walker Scott Rives. He was born on September 2 and weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz. He was 18 inches long. He was a tiny little fellow but boy has he grown now. Last dr appt he weighed right at 10 lbs. (He is a very good eater). He is just the sweetest thing. I will be honest with you....Scott and I were a little overwhelmed at first. It is definitely a life change. However, I remember one of my friends telling me that the first 6 weeks are the hardest and once you get through all just clicks one day. Well it was about the first 8 weeks for me but it was day it just all clicked and I realized that I was going to be okay. I realized that I could handle being a mommy!!

Walker turned 3 months old on Tuesday. He is such a sweet child. He began sleeping through the night at about 9 weeks old and wow how that helped. When we were able to get like 6 hours of uninteruppted made me a new person! Walker is beginning to coo and laugh more and more everyday. He is just the best thing that ever happened to me (besides his daddy of course!!). I wonder now what i did before i had him.

I have been blessed to be able to stay at home with Walker until January and it has been wonderful. We have gone to Grenada to visit several times, we have shopped some, but most of all we have been so lazy. I love when Walker lays on top of me and sleeps on my chest. That is like the best time of my day. Can you tell that he is spoiled rotten? Ha ha! At first i was worried not to spoil him too much because i was afraid if i took him to daycare and he was spolied...they would not want to keep him! I don't worry about that anymore. I hold him all day everday!

The birth of our son was the most amazing day of our lives. I am so in awe of how magnificent God is. Who am I to expand his kingdom? I have realized that he has given me this life to raise and each day i pray that God gives me the wisdom to raise him to be the best that he can be. Thank you God for blessing us in this way...

Once I figure out how to downloand my pictures, I will get some pics of him up. I have a lot for everyone to see.