Monday, December 8, 2008

Life's New Chapter: PARENTHOOD!!!

No, I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth...just been busy with my new bundle of joy.

Wow have we had an exciting yet emotional yet very wonderful past 3 months. Scott and I were blessed with the most precious little angel in the whole world. His name is Walker Scott Rives. He was born on September 2 and weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz. He was 18 inches long. He was a tiny little fellow but boy has he grown now. Last dr appt he weighed right at 10 lbs. (He is a very good eater). He is just the sweetest thing. I will be honest with you....Scott and I were a little overwhelmed at first. It is definitely a life change. However, I remember one of my friends telling me that the first 6 weeks are the hardest and once you get through all just clicks one day. Well it was about the first 8 weeks for me but it was day it just all clicked and I realized that I was going to be okay. I realized that I could handle being a mommy!!

Walker turned 3 months old on Tuesday. He is such a sweet child. He began sleeping through the night at about 9 weeks old and wow how that helped. When we were able to get like 6 hours of uninteruppted made me a new person! Walker is beginning to coo and laugh more and more everyday. He is just the best thing that ever happened to me (besides his daddy of course!!). I wonder now what i did before i had him.

I have been blessed to be able to stay at home with Walker until January and it has been wonderful. We have gone to Grenada to visit several times, we have shopped some, but most of all we have been so lazy. I love when Walker lays on top of me and sleeps on my chest. That is like the best time of my day. Can you tell that he is spoiled rotten? Ha ha! At first i was worried not to spoil him too much because i was afraid if i took him to daycare and he was spolied...they would not want to keep him! I don't worry about that anymore. I hold him all day everday!

The birth of our son was the most amazing day of our lives. I am so in awe of how magnificent God is. Who am I to expand his kingdom? I have realized that he has given me this life to raise and each day i pray that God gives me the wisdom to raise him to be the best that he can be. Thank you God for blessing us in this way...

Once I figure out how to downloand my pictures, I will get some pics of him up. I have a lot for everyone to see.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Baby Shower at Meadowbrook

This past Sunday, the sweet ladies of Meadowbrook (the church that Scott grew up in and we have been attending) honored Baby Puffin with a shower. It was a very nice shower....there was such a good turnout and the baby got SO many more nice things. The decorations for the shower were so cute....they had a bunny theme and had a stuffed boy and girl bunny (i thought i had gotten a picture of them but i guess can kinda see them in the background of the last pic). Anyway, the decorations were precious. I did get a picture of the cake that Mrs. Donna made and it was VERY cute and delicious too. She sent us home with a big chunk of it and guess who ate it all.....preggers here! Ha ha!!! (yes dr. kellum that will probably be another 5 lbs. this appointment!!!!)

Thank you ladies for the was so nice and Scott and I really appreciate all that you did in honor of our sweet little angel that will be here soon!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Shower with the Girls

My sweet, wonderful friends gave me a baby shower this past saturday in honor of Baby Puffin! The shower was so nice....Baby Puffin got lots and lots of nice things and we really had a great time.
Pictured: Laurie, Ali, Perry Anne, Lydia and Lisa. Katy and Clarissa also helped with the shower but were unable to attend. We missed you girls and hope to see you soon...

Thank you girls so very much for doing this for us. Scott and I really appreciate all of your thoughtfulness. Each and every one of my friends have been so good to us through this special time and this shower was a reflection of just that.

I love you guys and can't wait for Baby Puffin to meet all of my beautiful friends!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Sweet Little Molly Bugg

So there is this new show on TV called "The Greatest American Dog". Scott and I ran across it one night flipping channels and it is our new favorite show. Not only is it our favorite show, but my sweet little cocker spaniel, Molly May, watches it just as we do. Y'all it is hilarious! She will sit on the edge of the bed and literally watch the dogs do their tricks! The weird thing is that she watches Scotts hunting shows with him as well. It is weird how one animal can tell another animal on TV. She loves to watch TV though.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the greatest american dog have got to watch it. It comes on Wednesday nights on CBS at 7 pm. love it!!!!

So my sweet little angel had her 4th birthday on Monday, August 4th. I cannot believe that she is already 4 years old......We are a little afraid of how she is going to handle the new addition to the family. I know she will love baby puffin but it may take a little time for her to get use to him/her!!!

Heres to our sweet little Molly Bugg.....

She is so spoiled rotten it is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Guess who is 32 weeks pregnant today.......ME!!!!

We had our 2nd sonogram Monday and everything looked great. From the measurements, they estimated the weight of baby puffin to be about 3 lbs. 15 oz. WOW!!! They say that babies typically gain about 1/2 pound every 7 days from here on out......We are going to have a big baby!

I go back to the doctor August 18th and i will be almost 34 weeks at that point. Baby Puffins arrival is not far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

31 weeks preggers!

A friend pointed out to me that today, July 31, I will be exactly 31 weeks pregnant.....isn't that a conincidence. This pregnancy has flown by and I have to be completely honest and tell you that I am a little scared of the whole labor and delivery part of the process. I know that everything will be okay, but the anticipation up to that point is going to get the best of me!!!! he he!

Scott and I go back to the doctor on August 4th to do our 2nd sonogram. The doctor wants to see what the baby measures and how the baby is positioned and all. I am kind of curious to see if doc might move my due date up a little.....we will see. For now, the expected date of arrival is October 2nd, but if you saw my would probably think that there is no way i could possibly go that much longer. I am ALL BELLY and wow is it big!!! I will try and post a picture soon.

I am still feeling really good. I am tired alot and have trouble getting comfortable while i try to sleep which in turn doesn't make for a very good nights rest. I think it is just a way that the Lord prepares you for what is about to come..... :)

We are so excited and just cannot wait to see what a precious little angel the Lord has blessed us with. Please keep us in your prayers.....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Rives Family Beach Trip 2008

Scott and I just got back from the beach with his family. We had such a good time and the weather was perfect. I, of course, probably stayed out in the sun a little more than I should have...but i was determined to make the most of this trip since it will probably be our last long vacation before baby puffin arrives!

We went with Scott's family....yes the whole entire family.... and we used every bit of the approximately 5,000 square feet of the home that we stayed was incredible! I guess his family felt sorry for the pregnant girl and they ended up giving scott and me the master suite which was super nice while Shug and Poppa slept in twins beds....yes i felt bad taking it, but they insisted that we did!!! :)

Our sweet little nieces, Kennedy and Rebecca, had such a great time....they played together so well and entertained us you can imagine, there was never a dull moment on the Rives family beach trip.

Mike, Shannon and Rebecca

Ricky and Kennedy

Our sweet little princesses with their sweet little princess nightgowns on getting ready for bed!

Shug and Poppa with their pride and joy!!!

Bill, Ricky, Mike and Scott

Here is me at 26 weeks preggo...still doing great! :)

Thank you Shug and Poppa for such a wonderful, relaxing vacation....we all enjoyed it so much! We love you!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So blessed in my life...

Today I turned 25 weeks pregnant and things are still going absolutely terrific. Baby puffin must be growing more and more everyday because the kicks are getting a little harder each day which is so exciting to me. We timed it perfectly the other day and Scott actually got to feel the baby kick too which i know was exciting for him.

I am still amazed at this miracle growing inside of me and so humbled by the fact that Scott and I are so blessed in life.

I have a new addiction though: the discovery health channel! Every other show is about a baby being brought into this world and the miracle of life. I have been burning the DVR up. Scott came in the other day and said these exact words to me "please do not watch these shows if they are going to make you crazy"!!! he he!!! (typical male comment huh?!?!?) I told him that they actually ease my mind watching it all b/c it makes me realize how good the doctors are out there and how delivering babies is a daily occurence that they do and over again....Everything will be just fine with baby puffin!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

22 weeks and counting

Shannon this picture is for you...... :)
On Thursday, May 29, I turned 22 weeks pregnant. I am so excited. Everything is still going great with my pregnancy. I cannot believe that we only have 18 more weeks to go. Wow how time flies. As you can see from above, I am showing more and more every day. It seems as if my stomach has grown more over the past 2 weeks than it has the whole pregnancy....and yes i have been told "this is only the beginning"!!!! Perhaps we have a defensive lineman growing in there or a very voluptuous young woman....only time will tell. I just have a feeling Puffin is going to be a big baby!!

Scott and I have been working on the nursery some. We hope to get some things done this weekend so as soon as I can, I will post some pictures of it.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I got this poem on email the other day and I thought it was so sweet so I wanted to share it on my blog just in time for Mothers' Day. I hope that everyone has a very Happy Mothers Day...

A baby asked God,
“They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”

God said,
“Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.”

The child further inquired,
“But tell me, here in Heaven I don’t have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.”

God said,
“Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel’s love and be very happy.”

Again the child asked,
“And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don’t know the language?”

God said,
“Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”

“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?”

God said,
“Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.”

“Who will protect me?”

God said,
“Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.”

“But I will be sad because I will not see you anymore.”

God said,
“Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.”

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked,
“God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”

God said,
“You will simply call her, MOM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spending time with Rebecca

Mike and Shannon (Scott's brother and his wife) who live in Rome, GA got to take a wonderful, relaxing vacation to Mexico and so Shugg and Poppa (Scott's parents) got to keep sweet little Rebecca while they were on vacation.

Scott and I got to spend some quality time with Rebecca while she was here in Jackson and we enjoyed being with her so much. She is such a well mannered child and we always seem to be amazed at how intelligent she is to be only 2 years old!

Here is Rebecca fishing with Uncle Scott and Poppa....she had so much fun!

Rebecca caught a baby fish......

and a mommy fish!!!!

I think she really enjoyed this fishing trip!!!!

Scott and I also got to take Rebecca to the Ole Miss v. MS State baseball game at Trustmark park. She had a blast! I hate that we didn't get better pictures of her at the game.....We had such good seats at the game that we were surrounded by all these scouts and I was just trying to keep her happy!!!! They all got to know Rebecca and her kitty "Dixie" very well by the end of the was lots and lots of fun!

We love you Rebecca and we look forward to being with you next time!

3rd Doctors Appointment

Soooo... Scott and I went to our 3rd doctor appointment yesterday. It went great. Doc said everything is looking great. You can't really tell alot right now b/c i am so early into it, but yes I am gaining weight and puffin is growing! ha ha! I have still been so fortunate as far as the sickness part goes (thank you Lord!!), but now i just want to eat like a horse!!

I was 15 weeks as of Saturday (April 12) so only about 25 more weeks to go! We get to do the sonogram on our next visit, May 12. I cannot wait!!! That will be so exciting for us! We are not gonna find out the sex of the little one and it is kinda making things difficult as far as planning the nursery and all....but oh well, it will all work out in the end.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Puffins Heartbeat

Monday, Scott and I went to our 2nd doctor appointment and we got to hear Puffins little heartbeat. It was very fast. I have had one friend tell me that girls hearts beat really fast and another tell me that boys hearts beat really fast...who knows. I just know it was beating which gave me much relief! So we now have the peace of mind that puffins little heart has developed properly!
Scott and I have decided that we ARE NOT finding what the sex is of the baby.....we just decided that it is the only genuine suprise in life that no one can mess up for you. So we are excited about that....

We go back to the doc on April 14.......

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

Saturday, me and Scott and several of our friends went to the parade downtown to celebrate st. paddys day. It was a beautiful day out and we really enjoyed all being together and seeing people that we haven't seen in a while.

The parade was "interesting" to say the least!

I hope that everyone has a great day!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Kathryn Layne Chism

What a sweet angel she is......

Kathryn Layne Chism was born on February 18, 2008. She weighed 8 lbs. and 3 oz. and was 21 inches long. I really don't understand how she was that big b/c Lori Beth hardly looked pregnant!!! I went and spent the day with them on Saturday and she was absolutely beautiful. She sticks her tongue out constantly. Kathy said she gets that from the Chisms!
Her complexion is so pretty....
John Clayton is so excited about his little sister. He always wants to hold her....
Congrats Lori and Mallory!!! I know you are so proud...

Sassy holding Kathryn

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We're Having a Baby!!!!

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Yes, It's True!!! Scott and I are expecting a little one. We are so excited.

It was confirmed yesterday at the doctors office and I am about 7 weeks pregnant. My approximate due date is around October 4. Scott and I weren't really expecting it to happen so fast (like in the first month of trying) ....but the Lord blessed us with this little gift and we are absolutely beside ourselves and a little scared too! I had to go a few weeks knowing that I was preggo not telling family or friends and it just about killed me! However, since Valentine's Day was approaching and we wanted to get further along in the pregnancy before announcing it....I thought it would be a neat idea of telling our parents on Valentines Day...and so we did.

Pregnancy so far has been the greatest thing ever. I am just in awe of how amazing it all is. And then when I see all of my family and friends little ones.....I really realize just how much fun and exciting this is all going to be.
I have been blessed as far as sickness goes.....I have not felt bad at all. I can tell that by about 9'oclock every night that i am exhausted from the day and i just want sleep.....Scott makes fun of me for wanting to go to bed so early, but I have tried to explain to him that we better enjoy our sleep now while we can!!

We are a little unsure about what Molly (our 3 year old cocker spaniel) is going to do most of you know she is a little drama queen and has been the queen of the house ever since Scott and I married (or ever since i brought her home rather). I had a hard enough time getting her to cope with another human being sleeping in the bed with us.....she was a little rebellious at first, however, she has accepted that Scott is just gonna be there and she is gonna have to live with it. I have a feeling that now that we are expecting a little one.....a deep depression is in the near future for her!!!!!!!!!!!

Do they make anti-depressants for dogs?!?! he he!
Scott and I are so grateful to be this blessed in our lives. Thank you for the prayers when we were trying to conceive (they worked!!!)...please continue to pray for us as we go through the next 7 will be here before we know it!!!!
Lyndi, Scott,Molly and Baby Rives :)