Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just hanging out in the tub!

Walker LOVES his bathtime. That is our special time to spend together....I play his CD's of all of his favorite music...we sing, he plays and kicks and I cherish every moment. Below are some pictures from his bathtime that I thought were cute

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day in Oxford

Walker got his first fever this past week. They called me from his school on Wednesday afternoon letting me know that he had gotten a little fussy and was warm so they took his temp and he had 101.6. I, being the neurotic person that I am, kind of go into a tizzy not knowing what to do b/c it was right at 5:00 when they called and Walker had never been sick before! I called my friend Caroline on the way to the daycare b/c she always has the answers i need....thanks Caroline! She informed me that the after hours clinic opens at 5:30 so I needed to wait until then and call. So I did and we got an appointment right away. We saw the doctor that night at 6:40. Walker had a red ear and red throat. We started his antibioitcs that night and his fever finally broke on Saturday. Bless his little heart....he was the sweetest little sick boy. He never really fussed and still slept very well, however, he just wasn't as lively as he normally is which made me sad.

So this past weekend, we went to visit my brother in Oxford. Sassy and Pops came to visit also and we had such a good time. We kept Walker in most of the day to try and get him well...he had fun and of course was the life of the party! Below are some pictures from our weekend.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Afternoon at Overlook Pointe

Saturday afternoon was such a beautiful day. It was so nice outside and such a great day for the kids to get out and get some fresh air and play. Bryan, Cindy, Taylor and Anna Claire invited us to go to Overlook Pointe and hang out for a little while that afternoon. We brought a blanket, kite, frisbees and a few other fun games for the children to play. We had a really great time and Walker really enjoyed the sunshine as well!

Walker being his sweet little self!

Scott was the "Kite Man"...he had to figure it all out!!!! It had been a while since we had flown a kite

Sweet little Anna Claire

Curdawg flying the kite

My handsome husband!!!

First saturday since hunting season has ended!!!

Okay so for those of you who know my husband...he is an AVID HUNTER. I do admit that he has not hunted as much as he has wanted to this year due to Walker being born just in time for hunting season to begin....but hey..Scott knew that when we began trying!!! He he!! (That is what I always tell him and he cannot stand for me to say that!!!!) I do also have to admit that Scott only really hunted on Saturday because we have Church on Sunday and I was very thankful for that!
However, today was the first Saturday in a very long while that Scott was here when Walker and I got up and did our normal Staurday morning routine! I am a VERY LAZY SATURDAY morning person. That is my day to sleep as late as I want (well as late as an infant will allow you to). So this morning Walker and I were doing our normal cuddling in the bed when all of a sudden we hear the vacuum husband is like the most UNLAZIEST person in the world. He always has to be fixing something, cleaning something...whatever! So he is running the vacuum and I am like OOOOHHH I gotta go help!!! He had made some subtle hints on Friday night that the house needed to be cleaned...well I guess now was the time.
Walker was such a trooper while we literally cleaned the house from from top to bottom!
He played in his exersaucer for a while....

He slept for a good bit of the time

And he always loves to swing

But as for my home....the foyer has now turned into the toy room!

Sassy's Visit

On Monday, Walker turned 5 months old. I can't believe how fast time is flying by! He is getting to be so much fun and really developing his own little is wonderful. He is laughing out loud so much and really beginning to enjoy all if his fun toys and books.
Sassy came to visit this past spend some time with Walker while I was at work. I think they both thoroughly enjoyed the company...and it was such a relief at work knowing that Walker was getting one on one attention ALL DAY LONG for three days straight! Sassy we enjoyed your company and hope you come back really soon...
I was actually very glad she was here because Thursday I had to stay home from work because I felt horrible. Luckily Wednesday night (when I began feeling so bad) my Mom and Scott were here to take care of Walker...I slept. Thursday my mom and Scott's mom shared the day with Walker while I got some was wonderful. I think I may have the greatest mother and mother-in-law in the world!!!!!

Walker trying to hold the bottle by himself!!! He is trying to be such a big boy!