Monday, March 2, 2009

Walker is 6 months old today!!!

Walker turns 6 months old is hard to believe, but it is true!! He has a great little personality and he is so much fun to be around. I look forward to seeing his sweet little face each morning and in the afternoon when I pick him up. He is such a sweet blessing. He is not sitting up on his own just yet, but i can tell that it won't be long. He can hold himself up pretty good but just when I think he is fine, he starts falling over! He is definitely beginning to show signs of teething, but we don't have any teeth just yet.

Below are some pictures that Shug took of Walker and his two cousins, Kennedy and Rebecca. Kennedy and Rebecca were unsure of how they were going to treat a "BOY" but I think they have really grown to love little Walker!!!

Walker posing in the pretty daffodils

Walker, Kennedy, Rebecca and Pink Kitty !

One morning when I took Walker over to Shug's house Rebecca was in their bed watching cartoons . Shug put Walker in the bed with her and took the picture below. Well Kennedy was over at Shug's another day and saw the picture of Walker and Rebecca. So when I brought Walker over there when Kennedy was there...she insisted on having a picture made with Walker lying in the bed beside her (just like the one Rebecca had made)!!! It was pretty cute!

Rebecca and Walker

Kennedy and Walker

1 comment:

The Richard Family said...

Walker is beautiful!! He has your eyes!