Wednesday, July 29, 2009

He is growing up :(

Okay i am getting extremely sad these is almost one month away from Walker's very first birthday....WHAT!!!! The year has flown by and it has been the most amazing year of our lives. The miracle of life is such a blessing and the joy that this little man brings to everyones lives is so amazing.
Walkers little personality is the cutest thing ever. He is ALWAYS happy and ALWAYS has a smile on his sweet little face. Judy told me today that they were going to nickname him "smiley" which I thought was pretty cute!!!
Walker is not walking just yet but he is SO CLOSE! He is pulling up on everything. He is so much fun...he loves to read books, beat metal pans on the floor to make really loud noise while mommy cooks, and he is saying so much (of course it is baby talk so we don't really know what he is actually saying!!!)
Everything to Walker is "DA".
I will say "Walker where is the dog" and
he will look at Molly (our cocker spaniel) and say "Da".....
Scott has some deer mounts in our the office at our home.....when you walk in there and say "Walker where are the deer"...he will look up at the deer and say "Da". Please dear Lord, do not let my sons second word be deer (da-da was his first) probably will be though...his daddy probably says it to him all the time when i am not around just to drive me crazy!!! ha ha! just kidding. :)
He is getting so big.... :(

1 comment:

TheresainMS said...

What a handsome boy Walker is! I can't believe he'll soon be a year old; seems impossible. I'm sure you know the feeling well :-) I'll be thinking about y'all Monday for the tubes his Papaw tells me he's getting. He's precious and I'm sure you and Scott are justifiably proud of him. Have a great weekend!!