Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Life Sunday

Today we had Walker's baby dedication at Meadowbrook. I am very, very sad to say that we failed to take a picture. :( I mean I left the house and double checked my purse to make sure that I had the camera...ugh!!!
We had 16 new babies born within our Church in 2008. WOW! God is so great. Sassy and Pops came to visit us over the weekend and to join us in the celebration. It was a very nice service with a beautiful slide show of pictures of all the little ones....we enjoyed it very much. Walker did very good as he always does on Sunday. He sat up there looking all around at the congregation. He is such a sweet, sweet boy!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Sounds like y'all had a wonderful day! I have done the exact same thing when it comes to the camera- dress him up in the same outfit and take a picture for the baby book anyway. It makes a great story later! Next time it makes it so much easier to tell another family member to make sure to take pictures (my sister and I do this for each other), that way you do not have to stress about that too!