Monday, January 5, 2009

Walkers First Day of School

And off to school we go...

So today was my first day back at work full-time and Walkers first day of school! I held up much better than i thought. Last night i was not doing so well. I was boo-hoo'ing...I mean to the extreme that I could not catch my breath. Yes I AM crazy!
I was not so sad about coming back to work...I just thought back on how amazingly wonderful the past 4 months have been. Many emotions and thoughts were going through my head....I was remembering the special times that we have had and just how quickly it all went by. I will never forget Walker being in the NICU and Scott and I driving out there almost every 4 hours just to see his little face and feed him.....or how fragile and little Walker was when he came home...the first night he came home and i sat up and stared at him all night long to make sure he was breathing! I thought about his first sponge bath that did not go so well until his Aunt Shannon showed me how to give it properly! I remember the tiny little bottles he first used and the tiny little onesies that he wore every day that had choo choo trains on them. I remember just thinking that if I could get six hours of uninterrupted sleep how much better i would feel and now i just want to hold him and watch him sleep for hours and hours and I could care less about my sleep. I thought of our many lazy days that Walker laid on my chest to nap so content by my heartbeat and the mornings we would cuddle in the bed together when his little tummy was full and Scott was getting ready for work. I remember the afternoon strolls we took around the neighborhood and the many shots I have had to watch him take that just about killed me. I sit here just picturing his little face lying there on the changing table just laughing and cooing at me.....

I am sad at how fast the time went by but I look forward to the many special memories that will be made in the months to come.....Thank you God for our wonderful blessing


Caroline said...

You just made tears come to my eyes... so sweet! You are a fantastic momma- you are a "pro" already!

TheresainMS said...

Awww, he is so precious! I know you are so proud of him as well you should be. I work with your dad and he's certainly proud of all of you. He does tend to brag on Walker a bit but we forgive him for it :-) Hope your return to work goes well and that Walker thrives in his school.

Lisa Barbee Nooe said...

Lyndi, he looks so cute in his "school pics". HAHA!! Walker is very lucky to have such a great mommy like you!!