Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sassy's Visit

On Monday, Walker turned 5 months old. I can't believe how fast time is flying by! He is getting to be so much fun and really developing his own little is wonderful. He is laughing out loud so much and really beginning to enjoy all if his fun toys and books.
Sassy came to visit this past spend some time with Walker while I was at work. I think they both thoroughly enjoyed the company...and it was such a relief at work knowing that Walker was getting one on one attention ALL DAY LONG for three days straight! Sassy we enjoyed your company and hope you come back really soon...
I was actually very glad she was here because Thursday I had to stay home from work because I felt horrible. Luckily Wednesday night (when I began feeling so bad) my Mom and Scott were here to take care of Walker...I slept. Thursday my mom and Scott's mom shared the day with Walker while I got some was wonderful. I think I may have the greatest mother and mother-in-law in the world!!!!!

Walker trying to hold the bottle by himself!!! He is trying to be such a big boy!


TheresainMS said...

Glad you're feeling better Lyndi. Walker is looking so grown up in these photos. I know your Mom and MIL enjoyed every second of time they spent with Walker. I'm so glad you keep up with your blog; I really enjoy coming in to see what's new with y'all. Have a great weekend!

The Vickers Family said...

I know Sallie is the best grandma!! I love the little personlaized shirt : )